Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

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Types: Foyers | Landings | Mudrooms | Staircases


Related: All Industrial-style homes

style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

Upon entry of this brilliant orangish forepart door that has frosted drinking glass panels, yous are welcomed amongst an industrial-style antechamber that is narrow together with has white walls together with ceiling amongst an industrial-style chandelier inwards a higher identify the terra cotta stairs leading upward to the balance of the house.

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style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

Source: Redfin

This elementary industrial-style antechamber is nigh a purpose of the living room that has a high ceiling. The white master copy door has a tall transom window inwards a higher identify it adorned amongst birdcages. This master copy door is every bit white every bit the walls together with the industrial-style flooring amongst large wooden shelves beside it.

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style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: Tux

This elementary Industrial-style entry hall has a grayness patterned expanse carpet on its off white flooring. This is brightened yesteryear the delightful xanthous hue of the walls made of metallic element together with the wall-mounted lamps attached to it over 3 pocket-size built-in concrete stools.

See to a greater extent than of this home

style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: EVA architects

This interior stance of the family shows the antechamber every bit yous larn into the master copy door. It has a white interior amongst elementary white walls, ceiling together with industrial-style flooring. This makes the dark mudroom together with metallic element stairs stand upward out every bit good every bit the potted constitute inwards the corner.

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style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: Nook Architects

This narrow hallway-like antechamber has a large seamless mirror on the correct side that gives it an illusion of beingness bigger than reality. It has industrial-style grayness flooring tiles that contrast the white walls that select a pair of wood-framed windows amongst frosted glass.

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style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: Axis Mundi

This antechamber is separated from the kitchen yesteryear a grayness concrete wall that has an alcove amongst hooks that tin last used every bit coat racks together with chapeau racks for those who larn into the brownish wooden master copy door that contrasts the beige walls but complements the hardwood flooring.

See to a greater extent than of this home

style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

Designed by: Four Brothers, LLC.

This industrial-style antechamber has a wooden master copy door amongst a drinking glass panel on it lit yesteryear an industrial-style wall light above. The pocket-size antechamber straight leads to a wooden stairs that has a reddish brick wall on 1 side together with a white wall on the other side leading upward to the balance of the house.

See to a greater extent than of this home

The drinking glass door leads to this industrial-style antechamber that has reddish brick walls adorned amongst photos together with a grayness concrete ceiling that has recessed lights. Right beside the door is a pocket-size bookshelf filled amongst books together with decors that adds a fleck of homey character to the foyer.

See to a greater extent than of this home

style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

This industrial-style antechamber has a elementary textured white rock wall together with a distressed hardwood flooring. This serves every bit a dainty rustic background for the palette crate that serves every bit chair together with shoe rack beside the standing light that has a distinct industrial trend to it.

style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

This broad antechamber has a tall drinking glass wall amongst grayness frames that gibe the grayness industrial walls that back upward the floating stairs amongst the same wooden hue to the steps every bit the hardwood flooring that is illuminated yesteryear the natural lights coming inwards from the drinking glass walls.

style antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

Upon entry of the wooden master copy door of this foyer, yous are welcomed amongst brilliant white walls that are augmented yesteryear the modern flush-mount lite mounted on the white ceiling that is complemented yesteryear the industrial-style grayness antechamber amongst whitewashed exposed brick wall 45 Industrial Style Foyer Ideas (Photos)

This antechamber has a clear stance of the dining room yesteryear stairs that has the same industrial-style to it every bit the dining set. There is also a console tabular array against the white walls that pairs good amongst the flooring tiles. This transitions to hardwood flooring every bit it nears the foyer.

The dark master copy door is lit amongst warm xanthous lite yesteryear the industrial-style wall light inwards a higher identify the door. This matches amongst the wall light inwards a higher identify the mirror that is mounted on the side yesteryear side wall that is made of reddish bricks together with paired amongst a pair of pocket-size wooden stools.

The grayness master copy door that blends amongst the grayness walls leads to this industrial trend antechamber that has concrete flooring together with a modern console tabular array bearing decors together with a tabular array lamp. The 2 paintings mounted on the concrete wall inwards a higher identify the tabular array adds to the aesthetic.

This hallway-like antechamber has a nighttime hardwood flooring that matches the spherical decors beside the bluish modern sofa that stands out against the white walls together with ceiling amongst exposed pipes. Across from the sofa is a collection of wall-mounted paintings that select color to the industrial-style foyer.

The master copy door of this industrial-style antechamber is a fashionable nighttime wooden door amongst drinking glass panels matching the sidelights. Upon entry, the guest’s attending is directly pulled yesteryear the pair of truck containers fitted into the family to last purpose of the decor together with the family every bit a pair of rooms amongst doors.

This elementary together with pocket-size industrial-style antechamber has the same reddish brick walls together with grayness concrete flooring together with ceiling every bit the balance of the house. On 1 side is a wooden bench amongst a dark cushion together with a shelf at the bottom of it to serve every bit a shoe rack.

This industrial-style antechamber has drinking glass walls to showcase the beauty of the landscape scenery exterior filled amongst snowfall together with trees. The elementary industrial-style flooring is adorned amongst a standing wooden rack for jackets together with hats that pairs good amongst the wooden ceiling.

This antechamber is nigh filled to the brim amongst pocket-size details that solidify its industrial-style quality. It has a white wooden ceiling amongst exposed wooden beams that bleed into the dark wall of the wall-mounted circular mirror inwards a higher identify a floating former wooden cabinet lit amongst a lite bulb amongst exposed wires.

This is an industrial-style antechamber amongst the rusty tin roofing cloth used on the walls side yesteryear side to the grayness master copy door that is framed amongst drinking glass panels on 3 sides that select inwards an abundance of natural lighting to the beige marble flooring topped amongst a grayness patterned expanse rug.

This antechamber has a depression wooden ceiling that also serves every bit the flooring of the loft inwards a higher identify that has metallic element wire railings. This goes good amongst the bluish master copy door that blends amongst the walls together with the cabinet beside it that complements the nighttime hardwood flooring.

This industrial-style antechamber has a lovely sitting expanse on the side that stands out against the reddish brick walls, rock walls, together with ceiling that has exposed wooden beams. All these earthy together with textured surfaces are contrasted yesteryear the stark white modern sofas amongst a tufted finish.

This pocket-size industrial-style antechamber is similar a warm hug filled amongst reddish brick walls that are adorned amongst a colorful abstract ikon mounted inwards a higher identify the glass-top console tabular array amongst a brass frame that complements the nighttime grayness tiles of the floor.

This charming industrial-style antechamber is enclosed amongst drinking glass walls together with a drinking glass door from the balance of the house. It has a white master copy door that has stained drinking glass panels on it every bit good every bit inwards the transom window inwards a higher identify that brings inwards natural lighting for the bluish cabinet on the side.

This elementary industrial-style antechamber has a white wooden door amongst a drinking glass panel on it matching the window beside it. This door contrasts the grayness hardwood flooring that complements the industrial-style semi-flush mount lite together with the nighttime atomic break 26 console tabular array on the side.

This antechamber has exposed metallic element beams inwards a higher identify it that gibe the nighttime hue of the master copy door that has drinking glass panels on it bringing inwards natural lights to the industrial-style flooring topped amongst a nighttime expanse carpet running from the master copy door to the balance of the family amongst large rock pillars.

The highlight of this industrial-style antechamber is the metallic element staircase that looks similar it belonged inwards a factory. It has a nighttime metallic element hue to it that matches the nighttime hue of the master copy door amongst frosted drinking glass panels that gibe the frosted drinking glass walls of the staircase.

This antechamber is a dainty fusion of industrial-style elements together with farmhouse-style elements. This antechamber has a drinking glass door amongst a peculiar industrial-style pattern to it. The door opens to a antechamber amongst lite hardwood flooring together with industrial-style concrete walls that are complemented yesteryear diverse wooden structures.

This industrial-style antechamber has metallic element beams that back upward catwalks that would fit inwards a factory. This matches amongst the long wooden bench against the textured rock white wall amongst a lower shelf that serves every bit a shoe rack piece the ones inwards a higher identify are for helmets together with hats.

This elementary antechamber has a white door that blends amongst the white walls that contrast the hardwood flooring together with wooden ceiling amongst exposed wooden beams. These are adorned amongst exposed wiring together with tubing that business the walls together with ceiling.

This cheerful lite bluish antechamber has a pocket-size beige flooring expanse amongst a built-in bench on 1 side together with across from it is a heater. This antechamber is separated from the balance of the family amongst a folding white metallic element gate paired amongst an industrial-style pendant light.

This charming industrial-style antechamber has reddish bricks on its walls together with flooring that is illuminated yesteryear the sidelights together with arched transom window inwards a higher identify the wooden master copy door that matches amongst the wooden stairs. Across from it is a wrought atomic break 26 scrap that separates the antechamber from the living room.

The warm together with welcoming behavior of this industrial-style antechamber is due to the freestanding dark atomic break 26 fireplace nigh the mudroom that is filled amongst jackets, hats, together with bags. This pairs good amongst the grayness industrial-style flooring that contrasts the lite hue of the walls.

This charming antechamber has an industrial-style console tabular array amongst grayness metallic element rods that pairs good amongst the wooden shelves filled amongst decors together with supports a tabular array light inwards a higher identify that casts xanthous lite on the dark-green wall that complements the hardwood flooring together with the steps of the stairs.

This antechamber is dominated yesteryear the earthy hues of the brick walls together with the brownish tiles of the flooring that extends to the wall framing the master copy door. Adjacent to this is the brick wall that has a wooden cabinet together with mirror. Across from this is a frosted drinking glass wall.

This charming antechamber has a large wooden door amongst sidelights. This is complemented yesteryear the grayness concrete flooring lower than the hardwood flooring on the white wall across from the door that is adorned amongst a colorful poster lit amongst a lite bulb.

The dark master copy door has frosted drinking glass sight lights that gibe amongst the drinking glass wall that separates the antechamber from the balance of the family that has the same flooring tiles together with white ceiling. On the side of the entrance is a heater for a warm welcome.

This wooden master copy door opens to a antechamber that has a concrete flooring that complements the white walls together with the high wooden ceiling amongst exposed wooden beams, wires together with tubing for that distinctive industrial experience that matches amongst the balance of the home.

This charming together with homey industrial-style antechamber has wall-mounted lamps flanking the nighttime wooden door complemented yesteryear reddish brick walls amongst the vertical infinite maximized through bookshelves.

The brownish wooden door leads into this industrial-style antechamber that is dominated yesteryear a large metallic element spiral staircase that solidifies its industrial-style claim. This is paired amongst hardwood flooring together with a reddish wall that contrasts the fray metallic element hue of the stairs.

The reddish brick wall of this industrial-style antechamber has a built-in tabular array amongst H2O pipes every bit legs. This is paired amongst a pair of wooden stools amongst pipes for legs every bit well. This is given a dainty background of a circular window flanked yesteryear modern wall lamps.

This antechamber has a cheerful welcome for the guests amongst its xanthous wall that matches amongst the mailbox together with the taxi decor beside the potted plant. This xanthous wall is contrasted yesteryear the matte industrial-style flooring every bit good every bit the dark wooden door.

This elementary industrial-style antechamber has a textured white wall amongst a brick wall pattern adorned amongst a pair of wall-mounted lamps that gibe amongst the circular pendant lite from the lite grayness ceiling matching the walls together with woven expanse carpet every bit good every bit the cushioned bench.

This pocket-size antechamber is maximized amongst a large construction made of dark atomic break 26 together with wooden shelves. This serves every bit a mudroom, sitting area, shoe rack, storage expanse together with every bit a dainty accent to the tall white walls that are contrasted yesteryear the hardwood flooring.

This large grand antechamber has a high white ceiling that is adorned amongst multiple spherical crystal decors. The whole wall of the antechamber is filled amongst tall drinking glass windows amongst blinds that filter the abundant natural lighting that bathes the whole foyer.

The intricate together with elegant wooden master copy doors gibe amongst the hardwood flooring topped amongst a peculiar pendant lite that brightens the foyer. Across from the door is the staircase that has 2 large pillars made of bricks on either side of it.

The drinking glass master copy door leads to this pocket-size antechamber that has a sitting expanse amongst white stools merely about an industrial-style wood-top tabular array nether a caged lite bulb from the white ceiling. Along the wall is a folding bench for additional seats of the waiting guests.

This broad industrial-style antechamber has concrete flooring that pairs good amongst the concrete wall that supports the atomic break 26 rung of the wooden sliding door that matches amongst the wooden stairs leading to the instant degree that has drinking glass railings.


